Cash on Delivery (COD) means the recipient pays for the product or service at the time of delivery.
If you have any orders using this payment method, you will need to use 3rd party services like NinjaVan/J&T or arrange it manually using your own rider.
In this article:
How to setup COD option
Quick Step: Menu > Setup > Advanced Setup Shipping & Delivery > Shipping zone
1. At Yezza app, go to Setup > Advanced Setup > Shipping & Delivery
2. You will see Shipping zone settings, click Add Zone
3. Name the zone, and then click on Manual Delivery box. Click 'Add Rate'.
4. Fill in the rate details. See example below. Most importantly, slide the toggle 'allow COD' to the right.
How to use COD (customer flow)
1. After your customer has placed order, they will have to choose from the delivery options.
2. Cash on delivery option will automatically appear at the Payment option. Complete the checkout process.
3. The customer will be redirected to Whatsapp to send this message to the merchant.
How To Fulfil COD orders
1. Orders using COD method will automatically appear at your Orders page.
2. Go to Manage > Orders
3. You may make the arrangement for delivery.
Important note: You will need to use 3rd party services for this such as J&T/NinjaVan/Own rider.
4. After payment is received, you may mark as paid these orders. Click at the Order, and a window will appear
5. Click 'Mark as Paid'
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